Thx for throwing tomatoes at us, Wayne!

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I got a really good crop of Cherokees this year, but my absolute favorite are Costoluto Genovese, wrinkly rippled, folded tomatoes. They have the most "tomatoey" flavor of all I have ever planted, they make great sauce.

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Well, now. Guess I’ve gotta try ‘em!

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Sassy Sauce! I might have to start calling tomato sauce that, too.

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Do it! Do it! Do it! 💁 💁💁

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Nice, it’s definitely tomato season!! I mainly ate sungolds when I lived in the Pacific Northwest but now I’m looking forward to all the bounty of the Bay Area

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Sungolds are sooo tasty!

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Sassy's sauce looks divine! I made sauce and froze it for the first time this year.

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Thank you for this! I tried Sassy's sauce before and can testify that it's fantastic! I was very lucky this year. I bought my tomato seedlings from a local farmer, who sells off his excess plants at his farm stand. This year, I thought I bought a beefsteak tomato plant and a cherry... there was a separate "grab-bag" section of plants with a note next to them explaining that he'd mixed up the seedlings, however it turned out that the mix-up extended to some of the rest of the plants. My beefsteak was indeed a beefsteak, but the cherry tomato plant turned out to be..... a Cherokee purple! 🤩 I'd never tried them before, but they are indeed awesome, and next year I plan to buy them on purpose...

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I hope you have the same great luck forever! 🍅🍅🍅

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A delicious round up! I love Cherokees, too. My favorite for a tomato sandwich.

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