The focaccia art is so lovely! It inspires me to want to make focaccia, as did Domenica’s post. I also need to up my balsamic game. We did a tour of a wonderful balsamic factory in Modena years ago and were amazed at the difference in taste (and cost!) between vinegars. Thanks for a great post, Wayne.

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OMGosh! I LOVE the Potato Head focaccias.

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I never realized that focaccia could be so beautiful!

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I’m inspired! Plan to start my first focaccia this week!

Also, for 25 yrs, I’ve order all my balsamics and olive oils from Oleaceae, used to be in Santa Fe, now only online. They’re worth it

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I just took in a thousand calories, and all I was doing was reading. I eat your posts! I chug them! I pound them!

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My favorite pizza topping is arugula drizzled with balsamic vinegar, so I appreciate your recommendations for good quality balsamic!

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Wayne, you made my day with this lovely post. Thank you for all the nice words. Much appreciated. I'm feeling the need to make a nice big bubbly focaccia...and maybe one of those pretty garden ones, as I've never tried that before. Also, I've been eyeing a recipe for garlic confit in the Via Carota cookbook that sounds similar to David Leite's (big fan of DL and Leite's Culinaria). Cheers, D

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